
Windrush 75th Anniversary Weekend Celebrations: Things to do

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On June 22 and during the weekend June 24-25, there will be a plethora of fun and interactive celebrations at Tilbury Port, to commemorate and celebrate the 75th anniversary of the HMS Empire Windrush arriving in the UK in 1948.

These activities are open for all to come down and enjoy after the unveiling of the Windrush plaque by c2c and Thurrock council.

Commemoration of Windrush @ 75

This event is the first in a line of Commemorating Windrush @ 75 activities on the morning of the day. It is a great opportunity for secondary school students and interested adults, residents in Basildon, particularly those of Caribbean and African heritage to join in on June 22nd for an Educational visit to the Docks in Tilbury.

The day will kick off with a breakfast serving Caribbean and African Cuisine!

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Evewrightsarts Foundation: Windrush 75 Anniversary Weekender

Celebrate 75 years of contributions from the Windrush Generation on June 24-25th at Tilbury Port, Essex with Evewright Arts Foundation’s Belongings: Windrush 75, a fantastic weekend of film, music and food curated by artist EVEWRIGHT.

A DJ set featuring the influence of music over the 75 years will be played during the Saturday evening segment!