c2c launches new Accessible Travel Policy
08 June 2021 •
c2c has released its new commitment to making the railway more accessible to everyone and improve disabled and elderly customers’ experience with the railway.
The new Accessible Travel Policy has been published and provides details about c2c’s policies for making travel accessible for all. This leaflet called ‘Making Rail Accessible’ contains information about station and train facilities, ticketing and fares, and travelling using a wheelchair, mobility scooter, assistance dog or companion.
It also lets customers know c2c’s accessibility strategy which includes:
Consulting our passengers: The creation of a regional Accessibility Panel in collaboration with Greater Anglia to help shape the future of accessible travel.
Physical improvement: Access improvement schemes at Southend East, Chalkwell and Grays station will take place.
Passenger Assistance: Assistance at stations can be booked four hours prior to travelling. This will be reduced to two hours from April 2022.
Training our staff: All c2c staff to receive Disability Awareness and Inclusive Customer Service training by July 2021. This training has been created and delivered by Inclusion London who are an organisation run by and for Deaf and Disabled people set up to promote equality and inclusion for Deaf and Disabled People. All the Trainers that delivered the bespoke c2c specific course have lived experience as Disabled people which made the training very successful.
The Accessible Travel Policy can be found on our website, but if you would prefer a physical copy or an alternative format we can send it to you free of charge. Let us know by contacting the c2c Customer Relations team.
c2c’s Customer Experience Manager, Alex Whybro said: “We understand the importance of delivering a friendly, reliable and inclusive service to all c2c customers. We have updated the customer policy to set out our goals to strive towards making c2c as accessible as possible.”
An Inclusion London spokesperson said: “It has been a real pleasure to work with c2c on developing and delivering an ambitious, bespoke and comprehensive programme of Disability Awareness and Inclusive Customer Service training to c2c staff. We have had great buy-in and feedback from staff and its clear c2c have a workforce dedicated to providing great service to their disabled customers”
Jill Allen-King O.B.E, pictured, a frequent passenger who travels with her assistance dog from Chalkwell station, said: “As a totally blind person, I cannot see the help point or staff to ask for help. But I have always been helped whenever I travel by the c2c staff”.