
Rail Passenger Rights and Obligations

We know how important it is for you to have clear information on the service we are providing, and the rights you have. This page provides a one-stop summary of the key information you need from c2c, and provides direction to where you can find more detail elsewere on this website.

  1. Information and tickets products-faq-angle-arrow.svg products-faq-angle-arrow-purple.svg

    We provide information to help keep you updated before, during and after your journey.

    • You can buy tickets, check prices and find out departure times from our website. This covers all rail journeys in the UK, not just on c2c. The information is also available on the c2c Train Travel app
    • Our Service Alterations page provides detail on future planned engineering work or any other changes before you travel
    • During your journey, our Live Travel Information page can keep you updated on any disruption and service alterations in real time. This covers both c2c trains and London Underground.
    • If you travel regularly with c2c, you can set up a Travel Alert that proactively notifies you of any disruption to your journey
    • We provide live travel information through Twitter, where our team can also provide advice and answer your questions
    • For commuters, our online tool provides information on how busy each peak-time train normally is, to help you choose the service that suits you best

    At our stations, our team will endeavor to help you with any questions you have. We publish information about normal ticket office opening times on our website, along with a guide to the facilities available such as toilets, waiting rooms and onward travel information. When no staff are available at a station, you can use the Help Point function to speak to a member of our team.

    If you want any assistance with your journey, our Passenger Assist page provides a full guide to the support we offer and how you can book guaranteed assistance with your journey.

  2. Punctuality and cancellations products-faq-angle-arrow.svg products-faq-angle-arrow-purple.svg

    We understand how important it is that we give you a punctual and reliable service that you can depend on.

    To help build that confidence, every weekday we publish a summary of the previous day’s punctuality results. This page also provides information on overall performance in recent months.

    Here is a summary of c2c’s punctuality performance for 2023/24:

    Punctuality measure c2c performance
    On Time
    Arrival within 60 seconds of schedule at every stop
    79.6% – 2023-2024 average
    Public Performance Measure (PPM)
    Arrival within 5 minutes at final destination
    – 2023-2024 average
    Average delay
    Average length of delay incurred for every train
    0.02 minutes


    Right Time Departures
    Trains departing origin station within 60 seconds of schedule
    Total cancellations 1.4% 2023-24 average

    Live travel information during disruption is available on our website or from our social media team on Twitter.

    When there is disruption, we follow the processes set out in our Passenger Information During Disruption report.

    When there is significant disruption during rush hour, which affects a large number of customers, we publish an Incident Review summarising what happened, what the impact was, and what we did to manage the situation. These are published in our Latest News section, and are typically available for two months following the event.

    • 80% of c2c customers said they were satisfied with the punctuality of our services.
    • This compares to 80% average satisfaction among all London commuters
  3. Cleanliness products-faq-angle-arrow.svg products-faq-angle-arrow-purple.svg

    We know that a clean train and station is one of the most important standards our customers expect from us. In the past year, this has been more important than ever. Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, we introduced additional cleaning procedures to disinfect all touch points, both on-train and at stations.

    Station cleaning is continuous. At busy stations, we have cleaners permanently on site. At quieter stations, our cleaners visit 2-3 times a day. Touch points at the station are disinfected each time a cleaner visits, as well as cleaning of toilets and litter picking. Stations are deep-cleaned at least every 8 weeks, with a full clean of platforms, furniture, railings, stairs and shelters

    Trains are disinfected each time they enter the depot. This includes using specialist “fogging” equipment that can reach every surface. Litter is picked from the train at the end of each journey, and train toilets are also steam cleaned at least once a day.

    The Statistics below comes from Wavelength which is an ongoing customer satisfaction survey managed by the Rail Delivery Group (RDG) designed to keep our finger on the pulse and address the issues which matter to our customers. Here are the key results for 2023/24 on cleanliness and toilet facilities from Wavelength:

    Satisfaction Measures  c2c Performance  London commuter average 
    The stations feels like a nice environment 73.5% 74.2%
    The train is clean 73.5% 73.8%
    The toilets at the station are clean 69.8% 68.2%
    The toilets when I arrive are clean 73.0% 72.1%%
    The toilets on the train are clean 70.0% 68.7%
  4. Customer satisfaction products-faq-angle-arrow.svg products-faq-angle-arrow-purple.svg

    The Statistics below comes from Wavelength which is an ongoing customer satisfaction survey managed by the Rail Delivery Group (RDG) designed to keep our finger on the pulse and address the issues which matter to our customers.

    Here are the key c2c customer satisfaction results for 2023/24 from Wavelength:

    Satisfaction Measures  c2c Performance  London commuter average 
    The train departs on time 79.9% 79.0%
    The train arrives on time 80.7% 79.2%
    Any delays are communicated helpfully while i am waiting 77.1% 75.5%
    Any delays are communicated helpfully during my journey 78.1% 75.2%
    The statues of my train is visible 82.1% 82.7%
    I can find out how my Journey is going 77.5% 78.5%
    Staff find answers to any questions i have whilst waiting 77.4% 79.3%
    Staff find answers to my questions when traveling 78.3% 79.2%
  5. Complaints and compensation products-faq-angle-arrow.svg products-faq-angle-arrow-purple.svg

    We appreciate that sometimes things go wrong, or you are unhappy with the service you have received. We aim to make it simple for you to contact us, and we strive to resolve your concerns quickly and effectively.

    Our contact details, including a simple form you can use to make a complaint or enquiry, is available on our website.

    In 2023/24, our Customer Relations team received 4,004 complaints, and closed 3,862 complaints.

    On average, complaints were closed in 11.7 working days. 100% of complaints were addressed within our target response time of 20 working days.

    The main categories of complaint closed in 2023/24 were:

    • Performance: 563 complaints in 2023/24
    • Smartcards: 562 complaints in 2023/24
    • Online ticket buying: 420 complaints in 2023/24
    • Ticket Machine ticket buying: 346 complaints in 2023/24
    • The attitudes and helpfulness of the staff at station: 197 complaints in 2023/24

    We made a number of changes to address some of the issues that were most-complained about. This included:

    • Improvements were made in customer communication on social media and we made a pledge to provide easier access to information on our website. Internally, we launched a live information feed during disruption to provide more accurate live travel information and are working to deliver up to date engineering information.
    • Improvements to our Smartcard system and retailing system, the most notable of which is the launch of Kids for £2, Boundary Zones and Inboundary Travelcard Seasons on Smart. We have also further increased information online, FAQs, and catered marketing emails to customers.
    •  Many updates have been released to the c2c App over the last year to improve its reliability. Further, Biometric authentication, changes to “My Account”, and information on ticket types were made and added to improve user experience and provide easily accessible information.
    •  Following extensive customer research along with taking onboard staff feedback, we have implemented some changes to our TVM’s across the route to help improve the experience of our customers when purchasing a ticket. For example, one change is that our Home screens now prioritise key features based on usage and we have reduced the number of ‘Quick Buy’ tickets from 9 to 6, to reduce ‘information overload’.
  6. Assistance products-faq-angle-arrow.svg products-faq-angle-arrow-purple.svg

    We have a dedicated section on our website. This includes details of the support we can provide, contact information and advice on how to book assistance.

    In 2023/24, we received 1370 bookings requesting assistance. This was up on the previous year, due to increase passenger numbers.

    • We received 84 complaints about accessibility issues and facilities. 23/24