
Lost Property

We all hate losing things. So we at c2c endeavour to help you get those items back. We do not charge for returning lost property and we will do what we can to find your lost item.

If you discover that you have lost an item, contact us by filling in the form below, or calling: 03457 444422 (option 4) at c2c Rail. Our dedicated Lost Property team will see if we can find your item and if we can we will be directly in contact with you.

To help us find your lost property please let us know:

  • Where were you travelling from
  • Your destination
  • Date
  • Time
  • Description of the item
  • The location where you believe you left it.

Please give us as much detail as possible; If you have lost a phone we will need to know the make, model, colour, if it’s in a case and any distinguishing features such as marks or scratches.

If you find any items on our trains or stations please do hand these into a member of staff. It could make someone’s day.

Please be advised that the Lost Property office is open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 09:30 to 16:30.

Due to a form maintenance issue, it may take longer than usual to process your items – please bear with us while we complete essential works to our inventory systems.

Lost Property items

If you think you have lost something onboard or at one of our stations

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  • Add your name and email address. (lost items)

    Choose the type of feedback you would like to leave.

    Provide us with the details so we can help, and hit submit.

    We will aim to get back to within 10 working days.