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Other ways to book

Get in touch with the c2c team

 674fd6fcbc470 674fd6fcbc472icon Phone.svg

03457 444 422  (Option 3).

Lines are now open 00:00 to 00:00 Monday to Sunday, including bank holidays (except Christmas Day).

Contact Passenger Assistance directly

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 674fd7a38d32e 674fd7a38d330icon Fax.svg

0845 60 50 600

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What is passenger assist?

Passenger Assist allows you to request an assistance booking in advance. C2C can assist in your entire journey, even if you are travelling on multiple services.

Passenger Assist includes:

  • Offering a helping hand to navigate the station
  • Help to get on or off the train
  • Meeting you from your train and taking you to your next train or the exit
  • Arranging a ramp on or off your train
  • Assistance relating to a non-visible impairment
  • Carrying your bag(s) – up to 3 items of luggage as per the National Rail Conditions of Travel (PDF, 1.1MB)
  • Getting an Assistance Dog Under Seat card

Accessibility onboard

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    Wheelchair and mobility scooter users

    You are welcome to take your wheelchair or mobility scooter on our trains. However, for safety reasons, there are limits to the size and weight that can be carried:

    • Maximum size: 120cm long and 70cm wide, with a weight limit of 300kg (including the user).
    • If your device is too large or heavy, we won’t be able to let it on board.
    • Our staff will assist with an access ramp if needed, but you must steer your scooter.
    • Please maintain a 3 mph speed limit in stations.
  • 2

    Priority seat badges

    All of our trains have a number of designated Priority Seats for people who are disabled, pregnant, or less able to stand. Priority Seats are generally found near to the carriage doors and can be identified by Priority Seat signage.

    We know that that it isn’t always easy to ask for a seat. Our badges are a polite reminder to fellow passengers to offer you a seat on busier trains.

    Download priority seat badge application form

    Alternatively, follow the link below to apply via a web form:

    Apply for a priority seat badge
  • 3

    Accessible toilets

    All trains in the c2c fleet are modern electric trains with wide doors and grab-rails to make boarding, alighting and moving around the train easy. We operate services with four, eight and twelve carriages. Each four carriage train contains one accessible toilet and two dedicated spaces for people using a wheelchair.

  • Passenger Assist FAQs

    • What kind of help does Passenger Assist provide?
    • I’m not sure when I’m planning my return journey what should I do?
    • What if I can’t book in advance?
    • Are you able to assist with luggage?

    Useful information

    • Live travel info for journey planning
    • Wheelchair and mobility scooter users
    • Priority seat badges
    • Passenger Assist on other Train Operating Companies
    • Station accessibility
    • Onboard our trains
    • Plan your route around a particular station 
    • Disabled car parking
    • Season Tickets for blind or visually-impaired customers
    • Disabled Persons railcard
    • Our Accessible Travel Policy
    • Feedback or complaints

    Can’t find what you’re looking for?

    Get in touch with our friendly customer services team.

    Contact us