cc artwork  for web
cc artwork  for web
07 May 2018

Local art students have brightened up the subway at Southend Central station for passengers thanks to a joint initiative between us and a policing community group.

The students from South Essex College were invited to create a series of pictures to display at Southend Central’s underpass by the Policing and Community Together (PACT) group, which brings together c2c, the British Transport Police, the Samaritans, Street Pastors, Network Rail, AOS security, NCP and South Essex College to promote joint working in the local area.

With the theme of ‘Southend’ the Level 3 Graphic Design students were tasked to come up with some ideas to brighten up the subway and earlier this year they held an art exhibition at the college where the final pictures were selected to be displayed.

BTP Designing Out Crime OfficerDave King said: “The posters will make things look much brighter and more welcoming as people walk through and add a bit of much needed colour to the subway. It has been a pleasure working with the students and giving them some real life work experience.”

Astra Achong, Graphic Design Course Leader, said: “The work experience team works hard to get students relevant industry placements to aid their studies. The students gained valuable experience of working with a client with this project, and are proud to have their work displayed at Southend Central station.”

cc artwork for web

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