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Trains to and from

Barking Station

Barking Station is one of the oldest stations along our line, with its grade II listed booking hall and history dating back to 1854. Once you’ve caught a train to Barking Station, you can then take the Hammersmith and City line, London Overground line to Gospel Oak or the District Line.

Train performance information for this station

Station facilities

  • Accessibility

  • Toilets and facilities

  • Buying tickets at this station

  • Continuing your journey

Getting the train to & from Barking Station

Nearby stations

Barking Station is connected directly to the District line, Hammersmith and City line, and the London Overground line to Gospel Oak

Train journey times (average)

To Gospel Oak — 37 mins

To London Fenchurch Street — 20 mins

To Leigh-on-Sea — 30 mins

Check your trains to Barking Station

Find weekday and weekend timetable information on our timetable and service alteration page

Buy tickets to and from Barking Station

Buy tickets


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Find out more


Barking Station, Station Parade, Barking, Greater London, IG11 8TU

icon-time.svgTicket office opening times

Mon-Fri from 5:15 am to 11:00 pm

Sat from 5:15 am to 11:00 pm

Sun from 6:15 am to 10:45 am

How can we help?

  • What Zone is Barking Station in?

  • Does Barking Station have lifts?

  • Where is Barking?

  • Is Barking in London?

Places to go near Barking Station

Take a train to Barking Station and you’re only moments from Barking Town Square, a beautiful urban public space. Why not take a stroll in the beautiful walled gardens of the nearby National Trust site Eastbury House or explore the historic ruins of Barking Abbey? Or discover more days out by train below.