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Trains to and from

Limehouse Station

Trains to Limehouse Station, in the heart of London’s East End offer an easy interchange with the Docklands Light rail (DLR) for direct links to Canary Wharf, Greenwich and the Cutty Sark, as well as easy access to the O2 arena.

Train performance information for this station

Station facilities

  • Accessibility

  • Toilets and facilities

  • Buying tickets at this station

  • Continuing your journey

Getting the train to & from Limehouse Station

Nearby stations

Docklands Light Rail (DLR)
Direct interchange

Train journey times (average)

To Southend — 50 mins

To Grays — 32 mins

To Basildon — 31 mins

Check your trains to Limehouse Station

Find weekday and weekend timetable information on our timetable and service alteration page

Buy tickets to and from Limehouse Station

Buy tickets


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Order a Smartcard

Find out more


Limehouse Station, Commercial Road, London, E14 7JD

icon-time.svgTicket office opening times

Mon-Fri from 6:50 am to 10:45 am

Mon-Fri from 3:45 pm to 7:20 pm

Sat from 8:45 am to 12:45 pm

How can we help?

  • How far is it to the ExCeL Exhibition centre from Limehouse Station?

  • Can I get to London City Airport from Limehouse Station?

  • Where is Limehouse in London?

  • What line is Limehouse Station on?

Places to go near Limehouse Station

Take the train to Limehouse Station and walk around the Limehouse Basin with its colourful narrow boats, or join the Thames Path and enjoy a pint at one of the many riverside pubs.