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Trains to and from

Southend Central Station

Take the train to Southend Central Station and alight for Southend city centre and access to Southend Pier, Adventure Island and Sea Life Centre (and many more attractions besides) which are all short walks away on the seafront. You can even connect to Europe and beyond with London Southend Airport!

Train performance information for this station

Station facilities

  • Accessibility

  • Toilets and facilities

  • Buying tickets at this station

  • Continuing your journey

Getting the train to & from Southend Central Station

Nearby stations

Southend Victoria

8 mins walk

Train journey times (average)

To Leigh on sea -10 mins

To Chafford Hundred – 45 mins

To London – 1 hour

Check your trains to Southend Central Station

Find weekday and weekend timetable information on our timetable and service alteration page

Buy tickets to and from Southend Central Station

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Southend Central Station, Clifftown Road, Southend on Sea, SS1 1AB

icon-time.svgTicket office opening times

Mon-Fri from 5:45 am to 6:45 pm

Sat from 6:30 am to 9:00 pm

Sun from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm

How can we help?

  • Which c2c stations can I get to from Southend Central Station?

  • What can I find nearby Southend Central Station?

  • Where is Southend on Sea?

  • How do I get to London Southend Airport train station?

  • What is the nearest train station to Southend on Sea beach?

  • What London station goes to Southend?

  • What train station is closest to Southend Adventure Island?

Places to go near Southend Central Station

If you like to be beside the seaside, take the train to Southend-on-Sea and indulge in the innocent pastimes of the Victorian resort. No matter how old you are, you will find something to do. Take a stroll down the UK’s longest pier and enjoy an ice cream. Coming with the kids? They will have a blast at Adventure Island and the Sea Life Centre. No trip to Southend-on-Sea will be complete without a Rossi’s ice cream ice cream, a local institution has been serving Southend for over 75 years. Find out more great days out ideas in our guide to Southend.