Season tickets
Save money while getting from A to B and beyond with our season tickets

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Regularly make the same journey? Our range of season ticket options are designed to help you save and perfectly complement your routine. Choose from Weekly, Monthly (or custom-length) and Annual season tickets, as well as Flexi-Seasons. Take advantage of no credit card or booking fees by buying online at, or on the c2c Train Travel App.
If you’re struggling to decide between a Flexi, Weekly, Monthly or Annual Season ticket, take a look at this handy Season Ticket calculator to see exactly how much money you could be saving.
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Summary | Single and Return trips | Simple savings for regular commuters | Term-time travel or short work contracts trips | Biggest savings & gold card benefits | Commuting 2–3 days per week |
Benefits | Unlimited travel for your chosen journey over a 7 day period | Unlimited travel for your chosen journey over your chosen period | 12 weeks free travel compared to buying weekly seasons | 8 tickets to use within 28 days | |
How to travel | |||||
Recommended* | ||||
Recommended | Recommended | Recommended | Only available on Smartcard | |
Paper ticket